Please contribute to make a change in someone’s world
With a team of approximately 5000 volunteers, we make visible change possible at the grassroots. Every day, we ask ourselves about millions of Indian women and children living in an unfortunate reality— a reality of domestic violence, child labour and malnutrition.
We run several initiatives that facilitate change within societies. Our focus is on training unprivileged women in rural and semi urban areas, arming them with skills they need to thrive today. We also tackle drug abuse, domestic violence, female foeticide, and harassment, especially issues that affect women.
Over the years, we have established several job oriented vocational training centres and programs and free study centers for children who cannot afford regular school.
We are also doing our bit towards building a sustainable world.
A group of true warriors—Veerangnayen, working at the grassroots as change-enablers, advocate for women’s rights and an aid for non-privileged children. We are a non-political, non-religious, not-for-profit NGO that has been serving communities since August 2010.