Aiding and Inspiring Generations
Yes, children are our future. Yes, they are our building blocks of tomorrow. But, will they really change the world when they are scampering for food?
By indulging in dialogue with parents
We help parents in rural areas understand the benefits of schools and job opportunities education can bring. Our volunteers often engage in conversations centred on important issues like the lifelong benefits of education, how child labour compromises their future and so on.
By running tuition centres for free
Our volunteers run free evening classes for underprivileged children in several states. The teachers that volunteer with us are more than happy to contribute.
By removing the obstacles children face
Our stationery distribution drives for children enrolled in our tuition centres has significantly increased the children’s motivation to learn while also ensuring that they get access to basic facilities.
By fostering creativity
We organise competitions for school-going children that stimulate young minds and become a platform for them to express their creative selves. Our aim with these competitions is also to educate children about the issues that affect our world.