With a team of approximately 5000 volunteers, we make visible change possible at the grassroots. Every day, we ask ourselves about millions of Indian women and children living in an unfortunate reality— a reality of domestic violence, child labour and malnutrition. We ask ourselves what if they got a little help— we wonder about the transformation that would happen if those children could go to school, if those women could earn their livelihoods and add to the family’s income.

Every day, we, the Youth Veerangnayen, find ourselves aching to help them, to contribute, to be a part of someone’s transformation. This ache has become our passion for what we do, the driving power for all our initiatives.

Do you want to know what else drives us? The smiles on children’s faces after they get their own stationery, the smiles of relief on women’s faces after they know they don’t have to worry about their next meal. We at Youth Veeranganyen work on several initiatives to have more smiles. How else do you think an all-female team could organise 455 seminars in different states on topics ranging from domestic violence, drug addiction, AIDS Awareness to menstrual hygiene!

Know more about each of our initiatives below.

Employment Generation & Skill Training
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Panipat (7-6-2020)
Distribution Campaigns
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Tackling Addiction
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Addressing Gender Inequality
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What Can We Do
Women’s Health
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Empower the women
Aiding and Inspiring Generations
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Building a Sustainable World
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