Women Empowerment


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In today’s world, the phrase “Women – The Real Architects of Society” is not just a saying; it’s a truth that’s gaining momentum. Women are making waves, and their contributions are undeniable. It’s not just a catchy phrase; it’s a guiding principle for us.


A woman is a force to be reckoned with. She is the one who shapes the society as, being a mother, she is the first teacher of our future generation. Inside home, she is a mother, a nurturer, and a caregiver. In outside world, she is a champion, a fighter and a Braveheart.
She has immense potential to lead villages, states, countries successfully; her visions can build billion-dollar businesses and run economies, if given adequate knowledge, resources and power. This is clearly evident from real life examples like Indra Nooyi, Kalpana Chawla, Indira Gandhi, Malala Yousafzai.
But, first, they need to have a say in decision-making in family which is directly linked to their financial independence.


India has improved its sex ratio at birth from 898 females per 1000 males in 1999 to 907 females per 1000 males in 2019. While gender balance is still not in sight and sex-selective abortion continues to take place, we must acknowledge the change that has transpired in a society rife with instances of female foeticide, infanticide, and neglect.
According to the latest estimates from the report of the Office of the Registrar General of India, female life expectancy at birth improved by 22.9 years from 47.8 years in 1971 to 70.7 years in 2014-18. While the overall life expectancy of Indian women is ~2.7 years higher than men, looking at the female advantage in life expectancy at birth across the world.
In 2021, India’s female labour force participation was 23%, one of the lowest in the world and well below the world average of 47%.


Women Empowerment means to have control over one’s life and to participate in society by the process of women gaining influence and equal opportunity to pursue personal, social and economic endeavours, on the same basis as men. Women empowerment includes awareness of the form and extent of work, political participation, levels of education, state of health, representation in decision making bodies, access to property etc. However, not all members of a society, especially women, have awareness of these factors.
The Government of India has launched various schemes to encapsulate the awareness of women of India such as “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao”, a campaign to generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls in India and the recent development of providing 33% reservation to women in political arena at all stages.


To Bring Gender Equality In Line With UNDP’s Sustainable Development Goal

Gender inequality is evident from recently released annual Gender Gap Report, 2023 by The World Economic Forum for India stands at rank 127 out of 146 countries. It includes promoting equal rights, giving equal opportunities and providing access to resources to women in order to enable them to control their lives and to make uninfluential independent choices. A woman when empowered contribute even more to economic growth of the nation, sustainable development and social progress.

To Change The Patriarchal Mindset

Over the decades’, unsaid boundaries were set for women folk and they were deprived of respect which they deserve. Why only men go out to earn, why men eat first, why men are given more opportunities, why son is a priority- There are so many “why” comes in mind when we begin observing our surroundings. But we believe women should get equal right to work, equal respect in the family as the breadwinner of the family gets, they must get to explore the world on their own conditions. This is important to bring justice to women and equilibrium in society.

To Realise Women’s Full Potential

By analysing the statistics and figures regarding countries where there is a significant number of empowered women, we observe that those countries are catching up momentum in order to contribute well in society both socially and economically.

To Eradicate Issues From The Society

If we dive deep into the reason of the prevailing issues in society like domestic violence in a male dominated society, we shall end up in finding a major one as gender biasness. It not only restricts women to prove themselves, but it also creates a bad precedent for the generations to come. To remove these issues completely from our society, we need to empower women and bring gender equality.


Making Them Self-Reliant And Financially Independent

To enhance their say in decision making in the family, we have to provide avenues to women to learn, grow and sustain themselves to face the world with confidence and dignity.

To Equip Them With Legal Knowledge Against Physical, Mental And Domestic Harassment

Lack of knowledge demoralises women in their confidence to fight back for her fundamental rights. She keeps tolerating everything wrong against herself and hence, remain immune to her best self.

Dispelling Out The Myth

It is indeed important to dispel out the most common myth that women, by any means, is inferior to men. This may be done by awareness programmes, rallies and seminars regarding gender equality. This is the most wrongly believed notion as is evident from laurels women are bringing locally, nationally and globally.

Providing Them “Freedom of Living”

In a country like ours, we can see various sections of society where women are not given adequate respect and freedom of living. “Freedom of living ” in its profound sense means that living is not just defined as being alive but doing much more to oneself. It is to lead a life the way one wants to or yearns to.

Role Played By “Youth Veerangnayen” In Women Empowerment

Youth Veerangnayen, a group of 3000+ young women, is a not-for-profit organisation. We strongly believe and prophesize our theme “Empowering YOU”. Our name also highlights our dedication towards empowering more women to become ‘Veerangnayen’.


The mission of the Youth Veerangnayen is to take a life course approach to equip women and children with knowledge and skills by providing counselling, vocational trainings for skill development, and indispensable appliances to enable them to live a dignified life by being financially independent and contribute to decision-making in the family and society.

Area Of Focus

Our focus is on training unprivileged women in rural and semi urban areas, arming them with skills they need to thrive today. We also tackle drug abuse, domestic violence, female foeticide, especially issues that affect women.

Work Areas And Impact

Helping women find their voices is deeply empowering. We believe that when women rise, entire societies flourish. We at Youth Veerangnayen are committed to the cause of enhancing awareness among women of India to make it truly our “Motherland”.

Our Various Work Areas And Their Possible Impact On Society Include

To Learn And Earn Their Livelihood

We provide needy women with education, vocational training, and skill development trainings so that there are long-lasting changes in women’s mobility, social interaction, labour patterns, control over decision making and their access to various resources by running 2200+ batches in numerous free stitching centres, computer training centres, beauty training centres, mehndi learning centres, self-defence courses etc in multiple states like Punjab, Haryana, UP, Delhi. This is a visible and fruitful way to transform the lives of millions of women living in an unfortunate reality of abject poverty and recessive mindsets if those women could earn their livelihoods and add to the family’s income.

Stitching Center

Mehndi Learning Centre

Beauty Training Centre

Self Defence Training Centre

Campaigning Against Evil Practices

Despite women making giant strides of progress, age-old practices like female foeticide, domestic violence and dowry system still exist. We have been continuously working to raise awareness using rallies and seminars.
We target to educate children in schools, women in rural areas and elsewhere in society with the help of favourable laws. Expressing our views in 5250+ publicly organised rallies and seminars have really made a difference, evident from success stories.

Slogans,Seminars And Rallies On Female Foeticide

Empowering Needy Women With Arms To Fight For Survival

Teaching them the requisite skills for, let’s say, stitching doesn’t serve the purpose holistically till they get stitching machines to continue their survival in these cutting times. So, Youth Veerangnayen provide them with all types of equipment they need to earn their livelihood and live with dignity.

Stitching Machines Distribution 

Teaching Self-Defence To Women

Learning self-defence not only makes them strong and independent but gives them the confidence to grow in the society. Irrespective of the prejudices, this is indeed need of the hour. We, at Youth Veerangnayen, have benefitted 1000+ women to learn this skill in 50+ such centres to become self-sufficient.

Teaching Young Deprived Girls, The Art Of Education

Bestowing young girls with meaningful education will make them able to take their stand and uplift the conditions of backward people in the long run. Their roots in education will help them to develop an educated and knowledgeable being which will have a ripple effect on family and society. We feel proud to have served nearly 80000 young children in our free study centres.

Study Centres

We take tiny steps with strong determination. We cooperate with locals, government support functions, and commit to generating solutions that drive true change at grassroot level.
Over the last decade, we have impacted the lives of several thousand women and helped them change their life trajectories. Still, there are millions of women in the country who are in need of our support. We need your support as a service to the society.

Come And Join Us In Our Initiatives In Any Possible Way

Together, let’s build a world where women are really empowered and truly recognized.