Health & Hygiene
Women's Health & Hygiene

As defined by World Health Organization, “Health is not only the absence of disease but is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. Women’s health become all the more significant as she plays the most important role for bringing and raising her child in this world by nourishing and nurturing. Women empowerment is incomplete without proper health and hygiene. And, it is therefore clear that if women are healthy, entire societies flourish, nations rise and their economies boom.
But, the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS 2019-21) data highlights the apathy of women health in India as 57 percent of women aged between 15 to 49 are anaemic, 23% of women are married before legal age of 18 years leading to poor maternal & child health, more than 41% of women are overweight, and many more. This data depicts a clear picture of real health scenario of half of the population, i.e., women, in India; a nation which proudly believes in its historic culture.
Role Of Youth "Veerangnayen" For Better Health Of Women
Awareness Regarding General Health And Nutrition
We aim at creating awareness amongst women, about leading a healthy lifestyle through our communication and demonstrations at the grassroots by organising healthcare campaigns for women in villages, slums and towns. They are also provided with basic health education that allows them to raise healthier and happier families.
Distributing Nutritious Food To Needy Pregnant Ladies
Menstrual Hygiene Awareness And Distribution Of Related Necessities
Sanitary Napkins Distribution
“Let’s join hands and help in making a world with healthy and empowered women.”